Sunday, December 8, 2013

Firenze Set - The Fraternity #27

Matt realizes he’s getting a bit carried away with their extra-curricular activities…and that’s not even talking about their sex life…since how can YOU get carried away when you’re married to the Energizer Bunny?

 However having your own wings means the idea of going to a party for a few days half a world away doesn’t even make you think twice, with Matt coming up with even more dramatic events for their not so spare time.

However there’s other people with their own ideas and Matt, Gil and the Crew will find themselves running for their lives and they won’t make it out unscathed.

Not even close.

 Firenze Set is the middle book of the series of Game, Set, Match….and you will get a hint how the third book....Match…may just mean the end of everything.
You can find Firenze Set at

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Firenze Game - The Fraternity #26

Summer is here and this small town in Italy is about to get ‘Jacked’.

Jack Keeler, smart kid from Savannah shows up in Firenze with LOTS of ideas and a dog just as Gil and Matt depart for another Council meeting, leaving the dude alone to work his magic…or is that mischief?

And let’s remember the previous meeting ended up with Gil imploding, so what’s going to happen this time?


There’s also skullduggery afoot, alliances of new and ancient enemies, teenage trauma and did we mention Jack’s in town!

Firenze is the kickoff of a series around Game, Set, Match.

You can find Firenze Game at

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Picks and Pans

I've reviewed many posts on and I appreciate the comments, along with happy there's fewer complaints over editing since I've gone through the series again.
I appreciate any reviews on Amazon.

Firenze Game...a series of Game, Set, Match will be out soon with all sorts of chaos in Matt and Gil's life, not the least being the arrival of Jack for the summer.

I also appreciate all the nice emails you continue to send....
It had been interesting since I didn't get my first one until about my sixth or seventh book, so I had no clue if you liked what I was I appreciate the comments.

It's a bit of drama/skullduggery/comedy/humor/erotica/relationships and maybe a few other things and I'm happy to hear its struck a responsive chord.
Well back to finishing up Firenze Game since I've already got scenes for Firenze Set dancing in my head!
Rob Bass

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Regrouping in Santuario - #25

Redeemed in Santuario’s final chapter had Gil and Matt connecting back up after Gil’s spectacular meltdown, so everything’s cool, right?

Life’s never that easy.

There’s their crazy lives back in Italy consisting of friends, raging libido’d teenagers, problems at work and the ever demanding Bell.

There’s also the simple fact Gil’s meltdown left both Matt and Gil’s relationship shaky that no simple ‘I’m sorry’ takes care of.

So trying to regain their footing Matt and Gil will by Regrouping in Santuario, all the while people, the Fraternity and even Jack has surprises in store for the two men.
You can find Regrouping in Santuario at

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Redeemed in Santuario - Book # 24

Matt’s back, the Fraternity is once again whole and all problems solved.

Well not quite.

The Munchkins are hormone raging teenagers, friends are leaving, some people in the Fraternity want to settle old scores, so its chaos time in Santuario.

Add the fact the Keeler boys are trying to keep secrets from those they deeply love in Savannah and you can guess how THAT’s going to work out.

At the end of the day its all about Matt and Gil, but what happens when one of them gets so overwhelmed he pushes the other away?

You can find Redeemed in Santuario at

Monday, May 27, 2013

Rebellion in Santuario - Book 23

How do you enlist the aid of people you are supposedly rebelling against?

Matt has been taken by an ancient enemy and Gil needs the Fraternity’s help to rescue him.

The same Fraternity who continue to make clear they want nothing to do with Gil Walker.

However even that won’t be their biggest challenge as a young man from their past discovers the secrets of the Fraternity along with strangers coming to Santuario who will change everything.
You can find Rebellion in Santuario at

Revelations in Santuario - Book 22 of The Fraternity


It was supposed to be a simple trip to scatter Ron Engels’ ashes …well simple if you understand it’s in multiple places spanning the globe with a private jet and entourage to get you there.

However the team of Gil and Matt will be met with startling revelations both on the trip and after they return to their home in Italy.

And as the battle for the soul of the Fraternity continues, Gil continues to get drawn in against his will as the stakes growing bigger and more dangerous.
You can find Revelations in Santuario at

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kudos and Critiques

I'm receiving an increasing amount of email to, which rocks since I like hearing what you have to say.
CRITIQUES --- In the early days, I was definitely getting pounded on the editing. The feedback was consistent that you loved the story....but the misspellings/occasional poor sentence structure was distracting.
----The books are self-edited. Hey it keeps the price down! However I've gone back through the series and corrected many of the more offending errors. Sorry about that guys.
So if you were to re-download from a couple years ago, you'd see the better editing.
CRITIQUE --- Repeating what's gone on before...causing the story to drag.
Again my apologies. The Fraternity Series is approaching two dozen books along with dozens of characters and my intent is finding the right balance of keeping the story moving but also not having you scratching your head trying to recall the past.
I've scanned through the books you've said are the worst and revamped some areas.
KUDOS --- YOU REALLY LIKE  the story...I'm glad.
I enjoy reading emails from you guys where you discuss what you liked about a new book and speculating whats going to happen in the next book, since by the time you write I'm already half way through with the plot laid out. Oftentimes you get close but so far there have been twists leaving you wanting more.
One of the more interesting feedbacks has been around the death of a character.
I received a huge amount of emails after Losing the Hardway disappointed Chris was no more however I got some really touching comments around how the story came out.
Thank you for those thoughts.
By far the greatest volume of emails was how upset people were over everyone's favorite plump pooch Bell being shot in Stone Trials. Yeah you weren't too happy with me then.
I'm often asked how many more books.
Uh...the honest question is I don't know since the original vision did have Gil and Matt together in Firenze however when Isla Paradiso was being written I envisioned maybe a dozen books at most.
However like you, I've become enamored with mute Jaimey, the bro's Trent and Rick, the machinations of evil do'ers like Bathwaite, Dusan and the latest duo Conner and Jackson.....and of course Gil Walker and Matt as they try to make a life through all the craziness that seems to always crop up around them.
Take care and thanks for all your feedback, both picks and've made me a better story teller because of it.
Rob Bass

Monday, March 18, 2013

Reuniting in Santuario - Book 21 of the Fraternity

The two lovers Matt and Gil are back together and in the small Italian town of Firenze and more friends are reuniting with each other even as the Fraternity begins to split apart.

However Gil will also be reunited with another man, with THAT reunion forcing him and Matt apart.

Not all Reunions are for the best.

And in fact, they can tear apart those you are closest to.

You can find Reuniting in Santuario at

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Stone Hunts - Book #20 of the Fraternity

His lover has been kidnapped by a dangerous druglord with an army of men and unlimited wealth, however this is Matt Stone, who’s been hunting men down both in the Marines and elsewhere.  Focused on the hunt he ignores the signs his lover is changing and he’s unsure of what or who Gil will be after he’s rescued.

But it doesn’t matter, there is no world but Daoji.

However Matt Stone, ultimate Hunter will find out it does matter, since things will never be the same again and the men will have to decide if they can live with the new lives thrust upon them.

You can find Stone Hunts at

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Stone Trials - Book #19 of The Fraternity

Matt and Gil are comfortable with their lives in Savannah, even if their temperaments get the best of them every now and then. However Matt Stone as well as Gil will be facing trials they hadn’t anticipated.
Some will be dealing with the burgeoning relationships of the teens under their charge, especially burdensome when coping with the raging couples on the shrinking sailboat Makulu during their summer excursion.

Soon after the trip Jason will be heading off to the Marines and war, as well as more meetings with the demented druglord Dusan.

Both men will discover, the trials are only beginning.
You can find Stone Trials at